When: 16 – 18 September 2024
Where: Online
The CChem Conference is returning for 2024! With a three-day programme, you’re sure to find a session to suit you, whether you’re a potential applicant, already chartered or considering mentoring.
Sessions include:
Session 1 Contributing to a sustainable future – Meeting CChem attribute D2 is a requirement for CChem and the RSC is “campaigning for a more sustainable future because time is running out: the world needs new technologies, behaviour changes, and global leadership, and we need them now.” However making a meaningful and impactful contribution to a sustainable future is something members can find challenging. This session will explore the meaning behind the attribute wording, ideas for action, evidence which is in scope and out of scope. We will also be hearing from speakers from our community who will share thoughts and inspiration for meeting this attribute. You will leave the session with an action plan. This session is led by the RSC CChem team and is open to anyone interested in CChem, CChem applicants and CChem mentors.
Session 2 Overcoming career challenges to achieve CChem – This session will explore common career challenges facing those who work in small organisations, as consultants or contractors. We will examine the career opportunities that are linked to these roles and how they can build your transferable skills to successfully gain CChem. We will also be hearing from the RSC CChem team and speakers from our community who will share thoughts and inspiration. This session is led by the RSC Careers team and is open to anyone interested in CChem, CChem applicants and CChem mentors.
Session 3 Mentoring for Chartered Chemist – This session will cover what is involved in mentoring others to achieve Chartered Chemist. We will look at some common challenges and how to overcome them, top tips for successful mentoring and support available to you. We will also be hearing from speakers from our community who will share thoughts and inspiration on what makes a successful mentoring partnership. This session is led by the RSC Careers team and is open to CChem mentors and those interested in becoming a mentor. We also welcome anyone interested in CChem and CChem applicants.
For more information and to register visit https://linktr.ee/cchemconference