External Opportunities

Current opportunities:

PhD and ECR opportunities from the catalysis community.

Nominations open for RSC 2025 Horizon Prizes

Celebrating groups, teams and collaborations making discoveries and innovations that push the boundaries of science. Our Horizon Prizes highlight exciting, contemporary chemical science at the cutting edge of research and innovation. These prizes are awarded to groups, teams and collaborations of any form or size who are opening up new…

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Electron Microscopy Scientist at Diamond Light Source

Diamond Light Source is the UK’s national synchrotron science facility. By accelerating electrons to near light-speed, Diamond generates brilliant beams of light from infra-red to X-rays which are used for academic and industry research and development across a range of scientific disciplines including structural biology, physics, chemistry, materials science, engineering,…

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XAS Industry scientist at ALBA synchrotron

ALBA is the Spanish synchrotron light source, a large research infrastructure operating ten beamlines, complementary facilities, and an Electron Microscopy Center, this last in partnership with other institutions. Currently constructing multiple more beamlines, expanding the Electron Microscopy Center, and integrating advanced data analytics, it sums up a wide range of…

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PhD in Computer Aided Design for Green Ammonia Catalysis at Leeds

This project is located at the intersection between two of the most consequential trends in modern society, namely, the rise in computer aided discovery and the necessity in moving towards a sustainable and circular economy. Currently, ammonia (NH3) synthesis uses between 3 and 5% of the world’s production of natural…

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