The goals of developing new catalytic processes for more effective use of water and energy, waste minimisation and material reuse and reduction in gaseous emissions which are main themes of Phase 2 of the UK Catalysis Hub are strongly aligned with EPSRC’s Prosperity Outcomes Framework (2016 – 2020) and will have impact in the following areas:
Society and Environment:
Contributing towards environmental sustainability through reduced waste, increased energy and water efficiency and increased utilisation of bio-sourced materials. Development of catalytic processes which will lead to advances in sustainable manufacturing and efficient use of water and energy leading to greener and cleaner processes and products, improving the well-being of those employed in the relevant sectors and the general populations who are affected by the environmental impacts of the energy, water and manufacturing sectors.
Through increases in R&D productivity and industrial capability and to implement new catalytic processes to address sustainable manufacturing, for example, in an industrial setting.
Deliver a new generation of highly skilled researchers through delivery and training in all areas of catalytic science and engineering.
Outreach and Engagement:
Contribute to dissemination of the new methodologies and processes developed to the academic and industrial communities. Inclusive approach to improve visibility of the proposed research amongst the wider research community. Engage with the general public to promote benefits to the whole community and increased public awareness and understanding of the scientific, engineering, economic and societal issues associated with catalytic processes.
To maximise the impact of Phase 2 of the UK Catalysis Hub project we have identified key objectives and deliverables for each area that will be monitored closely by the management group and reported to the external advisory board and industrial advisory panel who will also advise on impact activities. Impact is an integral part of the project and will be managed by the Project Manager.
The UK Catalysis Hub is an open community to promote and strengthen UK catalysis research and it welcomes interaction with the wider catalysis Community. The Catalysis Hub is keen to offer support to research proposals that are complementary to the scope of the UK Catalysis Hub programme.
Get in touch with us at the earliest possible stage in proposal development so that we can work with you to ensure that any support we offer is fully integrated and meaningful. Please contact the Project Manager Dr. Josie Goodall – josie.goodall@rc-harwell.ac.uk, for more information about current Hub activities, conferences and opportunities.
Find out how you can get involved in UK Catalysis Hub activities.