When: 17 & 18 September 2024
Where: Cardiff University Cardiff CF10 3AT
Join the UKXFEL team for an Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Townhall in Cardiff on the 17th and 18th of September 2024. Discuss and explore cutting-edge insights in materials innovation, design and analysis, along with novel manufacturing techniques. Learn and input to how a next generation XFEL could deliver ground breaking new materials research techniques, and analysis over the coming decades. The program of speakers is yet to be finalised, but talks will be given on topics such a compound semiconductors, polymer design, shocked materials, ceramics neutron analysis, radiation hardened materials and additive manufacturing amongst others.
Speakers include:
David Dye (Imperial College)
Mike Fitzpatrick (Aberystwyth University)
Lauren Hatcher (Cardiff University)
Gerhard Schertler (PSI)
Peter Lee (UCL)
Leora Dresselhas-Marais (Stanford University)
Ian Robinson (UCL)
Colin Berry (Cardiff University)
Dave Thomsett (Johnson Mathey)
Peter Smowton (Cardiff University)
Peter Dowding (Infineum)
Andy Evans (Aberystwyth University)
Andrea Folli (Cardiff University)
Agenda here: https://indico.stfc.ac.uk/e/UKXFELCardiff
This is your chance to discuss with the design team, connect with academic and industrial experts, as well as to input into the Next Generation of XFEL facilities.
For more information and to register visit: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/uk-xfel-townhall-advanced-materials-and-manufacturing-tickets-891550901747?aff=oddtdtcreator