Notable achievements include:

Notable achievements include:

· X-Ray spectroscopy in catalytic science; where the Catalysis Hub in association with Diamond has led a highlysuccessful Block Allocation Group (BAG) on the Core XAFS beamline. The Hub has also developed a number of in situ analysis techniques including operando XAFS/DRIFTS technique, which has been widely used by the catalysis community.

· Growth in the application of neutron scattering techniques; especially neutron spectroscopy. Here our strongrelationship with ISIS has focused on community engagement as well as scientific and has led to a large increase in the use of neutron techniques for catalysis. Particularly notable has been the rapid growth in the use inelastic neutron scattering (INS) for in situ spectroscopy and Quasi Elastic Neutron Scattering (QENS) and small angle scattering probing molecular transport, surface speciation and confined liquid structures for a range of catalytic systems.

· Development of laser techniques in catalytic science, where McGregor (Sheffield) has led a Hub project on Opticaltweezers for interrogation of catalysts and Beale, (RCaH, UCL) has developed techniques including Kerr gated Raman and Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging (FLIM) for catalysis applications.

The EPSRC announced a further £14 million investment into the Catalysis Hub 2018-2023. In addition the Hub has over 30 industrial partners who committed over £1.4 million in cash and in-kind contributions to the Hub as well as over £2.5 million in contribution from the UK Universities. Phase II of the UK Catalysis Hub built on this success and while retaining the key features and structure of the current Hub has extended its programmes both nationally and internationally. The core activities include our coordinating activities, comprising our influential and well attended conference, workshop and training programs, our growing outreach and dissemination. The core programme coordinate the scientific themes of the Hub, which in the initial stages of phase II comprised of: Optimising, Predicting and Designing New CatalystsCatalysis at the Water and Energy Nexus and Catalysis for the Circular Economy and Sustainable Manufacturing.

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