2022 JMT Medal winner announced!

The UK Catalysis Hub have named Professor Stuart Taylor from Cardiff University as winner of the Sir John Meurig Thomas Catalysis Medal at the UK Catalysis Hub Winter Conference on the 29th of November 2022. Professor Stuart Taylor was selected from the nominations for top mid-career scientists working in the United…

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EDHOx(TM) Technology:  Successful Joint Industries – Academia Development of an attractive alternative for ethylene production

Ethene belongs to the fastest growing chemicals worldwide mainly driven by polyethylene production. Currently, ethene is manufactured in large-scale, natural gas crackers by dehydrogenation in a rather energy demanding high-temperature process. The oxidative dehydrogenation is a commercially very interesting alternative and is being investigated since the pioneering works by Thorsteinson…

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Flow advancement in the field of catalysis and macrocycles 

Flow chemistry and automation is the future of pharmaceuticals, fine chemical, photochemical, drug discovery and material-based industries. Reactions under flow conditions have been used for hundreds of years in the petrochemical industries, whereas its importance and application has been explored in chemistry in last two decades. Flow chemistry can offer faster,…

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Biomass derived and bioinspired aqueous electrocatalysis

I will discuss how biomass and bioinspiration can be utilised to design powerful electrocatalysts for Oxygen and CO2 Reduction. Biography Magda Titirici has a PHD from University of Dortmund and Habitation from  Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces. She moved in the UK in 2013 first as a Reader,…

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