External Opportunities

Current opportunities:

PhD and ECR opportunities from the catalysis community.

Postdoc Researcher Asymmetric Catalysis at University of Groningen

In the Feringa lab, chirality is a leading theme, and we have a deep interest in fundamental aspects of stereochemistry. As such, a small team is working on the origins of homochirality. The postdoc will focus on asymmetric autocatalysis under prebiotic relevant conditions to induce chiral amplification/self-replication. Chiral self-replication is…

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Postdoc Position at the Spanish Beamline “SPLINE” at ESRF Grenoble

 The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) is seeking a qualified postdoc for the Spanish beamline “SPLINE,” located at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in Grenoble, France. Candidates will relocate to Grenoble for a two-year period with a possible extension up to 5 years, contributing to the beamline’s scientific output…

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Lecturer / Senior Lecturer in Physical Chemistry at University of Glasgow

The University of Glasgow, established in 1451, is a member of the UK’s Russell Group of leading universities. The University is committed to enhancing its position as one of the world’s great broad-based research-intensive universities. The School of Chemistry currently comprises 45 academic staff, around 50 postdoctoral researchers and research…

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Newton International Fellowships

This fellowship is for non-UK scientists who are at an early stage of their research career and wish to conduct research in the UK. The Newton International Fellowship (NIF) programme provides support for outstanding early career researchers to make a first step towards developing an independent research career through gaining…

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