Find out about UK Catalysis Hub Block allocation access (BAG) calls below:

BAG at Diamond Light Source
The UK Catalysis Hub has secured Block allocation access to Diamond Light source B18 beamline for XAFS. The proposal is made on behalf of the UK Catalysis Hub network and intends to provide members with frequent and flexible access to B18, the core XAFS beamline. We have actively embraced new users and new areas of catalysis, assigning time across a broad range of catalytic science (homogenous catalysis, heterogeneous catalysis, biocatalysis, and electrocatalysis). To date we have supported the research efforts of > 20 research teams from > 10 institutions. For more information and details on application (when open) please see the BAG page on our website.

Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering (QENS) BAG at ISIS Neutron and Muon Source
We are pleased to announce a Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering (QENS) BAG at ISIS. We are keen to encourage users with no experience of QENS and will provide support throughout the process. QENS is a powerful tool in catalysis research, although currently underused. To reduce the barrier to entry, proposals will be assessed by an internal Hub panel with a lighter touch than that required for a direct proposal to ISIS.
The criteria used to assess these applications will be:
- Previous experience with the technique (with priority given to new users)
- Scientific merit
- Feasibility
- Maximising efficiency
Time will be regularly allocated on the IRIS QENS spectrometer for Catalysis Hub affiliates. Widening the user base on B18 has been one of the great successes of the Diamond BAG. We hope to do the same with QENS at ISIS.
For more information and to find out more about QENS at
A Call for proposals is now open and will Close 6th December at 12.00 noon.
To submit a proposal, please fill out the Form (here) and return it to the Hub Manager Dr Josie Goodall and use the Subject line QENS BAG 01
QENS Webinar
We hosted a webinar on 22 October at 15:00 BST with Dr. Ian Silverwood, UKRI STFC ISIS Neutron and Muon Source, who provided information on the benefits, process and how to apply for the BAG.
Watch the webinar with the link below: