The UK Catalysis Hub have named Prof. Adrian Mulholland from the University of Bristol as person of outstanding achievement in catalysis for pioneering computational modelling of enzyme-catalysed reactions to reveal catalytic mechanisms and analyse the effects of protein dynamics at the UK Catalysis Hub Winter Conference on the 7th of December 2020.
Prof. Adrian Mulholland was selected from the nominations for top mid-career scientists working in the United Kingdom to win the medal for 2020. The medal honours the achievements of Sir John Meurig Thomas, a distinguished professor in the field of catalysis who sadly passed away this year. He was a remarkable man and one of the most eminent figures in catalytic science in the past 100 years, who was a pioneer in many of the techniques and concepts that have now become standard in the field. He was generous with his time and support for the UK Catalysis Hub and its events and the Hub is proud to have established 2016 an annual award in honour of his achievements. He will be missed by scientists in the Hub community and worldwide.
Prof. Adrian Mulholland said on winning, “I am honoured to receive the Sir John Meurig Thomas Catalysis Medal. The award of the JMT Medal to a computational scientist demonstrates the real contribution that molecular simulation and multiscale modelling now make to understanding catalysts, in my case particularly enzymes, biological catalysts.”
You can watch a recording of the JMT Prize announcement and Prof. Adrian Mulholland’s JMT lecture below: