PhD openings at the University of Glasgow

The Surface Chemistry and Heterogeneous Catalysis Research Group at the University of Glasgow have two Ph.D. openings that are available from January 2024, with an intended start date of October 2024.

The first position is an EPSRC Industrial CASE award sponsored by Johnson Matthey that seeks to use the technique of neutron imaging to investigate a series on industrially relevant reactions in a range of reactor configurations.  Information on this position is accessible via the following URL.

The second position is a School studentship that makes use of the novel phosgene synthesis catalysis facility located within Chemical  Process Fundamentals Laboratory.  Information on this position is accessible via the following URL.

Both positions are addressing issues relevant to the chemical manufacturing sector, with each project providing a rigorous training in surface chemistry and heterogeneous catalysis research.  If you are interested in either of the positions, please email David Lennon (Email: to arrange a meeting to discover more about what each project involves.

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