Senior Scientist / Postdoc at TU Wien

At the Institute of Chemical Technologies and Analytics, in the Research Unit of Applied Solid State Chemistry – in collaboration with the X-ray Center – TU Wien is offering a position as university assistant post-doc (all genders) limited to expected 6 years for 40 hours/week. Expected start: May 2025. The group of Applied Solid State Chemistry and the X-ray Center (XRC) at TU Wien carry out microstructural materials analysis using X-ray methods and develop innovative instrument technologies. In this context, we are looking for a committed senior postdoc in the field of physics/engineering/chemistry with an interest in instrument and method development for X-ray methods, and experience in handling/evaluating complex data. One strategic vision of the working groups is to develop flexible analytical capabilities as a preparation, and in specific cases as an alternative to synchrotron measurements.


  • In collaboration with the radiophysics group at TU Wien and the materials physics group at BOKU, an X-ray system for microstructural analysis of polycrystalline materials, a novel, energy-dispersive 2D photon detector will be utilised
  • A novel X-ray diffraction setup will be expanded to include lab-based X-ray absorption spectroscopy
  • In addition to installing the components, a data evaluation system will be developed based on available programs for data recording, transfer, reduction and evaluation. This will be linked to the existing device control system
  • Based on specific scientific questions, evaluation methods for data analysis (ideally “on the fly”) for the detector data will be developed
  • Experience in the field of data evaluation of large volumes and/or programming experience in the field of data management are therefore a great advantage

Your profile:

  • Previous postdoc experience in the field of X-ray or neutron instrumentation and analysis, especially at synchrotron radiation or neutron sources
  • Knowledge of high level and/or object-oriented programming languages
  • Ability to work in a team and good communication skills, ideally having experience in supporting young female scientists
  • English language skills (level B2 oder C1)
  • Knowledge of German or the willingness to learn it is an advantage, but is not a requirement.

We offer:

  • The ideal candidate is interested in a career in scientific research and will therefore receive the necessary support and supervision in carrying out their own research projects using the available facilities of the X-ray Center and the Faculty of Technical Chemistry as well as the opportunity to use large research facilities such as synchrotron light sources
  • Innovative development work on new scientific instruments for X-ray imaging, combining hardware and data science
  • Interesting working environment in cooperation with two large universities (TU Wien, BOKU) in Vienna, as well as cooperation with a detector manufacturer and developer
  • Opportunity to actively participate in research-led teaching, committee work and organization of workshops and/or schools
  • A range of attractive social benefits (see Fringe-Benefit Catalogue of TU Wien)
  • Wide range of internal and external training opportunities, various career options
  • Central location of workplace as well as good accessibility (U1/U4 Karlsplatz)

We look forward to receiving your application until April 3rd, 2025

For more information and to apply visit –

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