Ben Partridge

Keywords: Homogeneous catalysis C-H borylation Copper Rhodium Boron Expertise: My expertise is in homogeneous transition metal catalysis and organoboron chemistry. I have expertise developing and applying reactions using metals such…

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Ulrich Hintermair

Keywords: homogeneous catalysis  organometallic chemistry  in-situ / operando spectroscopy  kinetics & mechanisms  FlowNMR  Expertise: Contact: Website:

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James Walton

Keywords: Homogeneous catalysis Organometallics Ruthenium Pi-arene metal complexes Expertise: We are studying Ru(Ρ6-arene)Ln complexes as catalysts. Binding of arenes to Ru increases their reactivity towards several processes (SNAr, C–H activation, Trifluoromethylation etc.). However, the…

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Philip W. Dyer

Keywords: Homogeneous/heterogeneous catalysis Olefin oligomerisation Organophosphorus chemistry Gas-to-liquids Carbonylation Expertise: Phil Dyer undertakes research broadly spanning a number of areas of synthetic inorganic chemistry including organometallic, organophosphorus and co-ordination chemistry, as well as homo- and hetero-geneous catalysis. His group’s…

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Russell Taylor

Keywords: Alkane conversion Renewable processes Homogeneous catalysis Heterogeneous catalysis Zeolites Expertise: Dr Russell Taylor was awarded his PhD from Imperial College London in 2007, having worked on homogeneous methane oxidation…

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Andrew Marr

Keywords: Homogeneous catalysis Green chemistry Ionic liquids Combining organometallic Bio-catalysis Description: My research centres on Green and Sustainable catalysis. Organometallic catalysts, biocatalysts, and mixtures of both are prepared and applied…

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