The UCL EPSRC DTP Studentships Open Competition aims to recruit outstanding students to undertake fully-funded PhD studentships at UCL.
Applications for studentships starting in the 2020/21 academic session are now open.
Closing date: 18-Mar-2020
The EPSRC DTP (Doctoral Training Partnership) Governance Board Open Competition is intended to recruit the most promising PhD students regardless of their chosen faculty. All studentship projects must lie within the EPSRC remit. Studentships are expected to start on 28-Sep-2020 unless exceptional circumstances require an alternate start date.
Key Facts
Value: Fees, Stipend (minimum £17,009 per year), Research Trainining Support Grant
Duration: Up to 4 years (thesis to be submitted within funded period)
Eligible Fee Status: UK, EU, Overseas
Eligible Programmes: Full- or part-time research degrees (MRes/PhD, MPhil/PhD, or EngD) except EPSRC or UKRI funded CDTs (Centres for Doctoral Training)
Primary Selection Criteria: Academic merit
Available To: Prospective students
Application Deadline: 18 March 2020
For more information and to apply visit