Watch now – Webinar with UK Catalysis Hub Director Prof. Matthew Davidson

When: Tuesday 4 October 2022, 15:00 ā€“ 16:00 GMT
Where: Online

Director of the UK Catalysis Hub Matthew Davidson gave a webinar – Towards Sustainable Plastics: New Catalytic Approaches for Bio-based Polymers.


Matthew Davidson is Director of the UK Catalysis Hub, Whorrod Professor of Sustainable Chemical Technologies and Director of the Centre for Sustainable Chemical Technologies at the University of Bath. His research interests are in the application of catalysis to the sustainable manufacture of fuels, materials and chemicals. Following a PhD and Research Fellowship at Cambridge, he held lectureships in Cambridge and Durham before being appointed to a Chair at the University of Bath. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and a recipient of the Harrison Memorial Prize of the Royal Society of Chemistry and a Royal Society Industry Fellowship. He currently serves on the REF 2014 Chemistry Panel and holds over Ā£13M of funding from research councils and industry.

Watch a recording of the webinar below:

These webinars will be recorded and available following the event on our website.

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