2021 MEXT Postgraduate Scholarship – application open

Application for the 2021 Japanese Government (MEXT) Postgraduate Scholarship is now open and application forms are available to download via the Embassy of Japan website at: http://www.uk.emb-japan.go.jp/itpr_en/mext_postgrad.html

This scholarship is tenable for 18 months from September/October 2021 (No April start in 2021), including 6 months of Japanese language education, and no prior knowledge of the Japanese language is necessary for most of the subjects. Research or study can be undertaken in almost any field as long as it is relevant to a granteeā€™s field of expertise or previous study and it is possible to be enrolled onto a Masterā€™s/PhD course on this scholarship.

If you have any questions contact: scholarship@ld.mofa.go.jp.

Application documents should be submitted by email (for preliminary selection) or by post to the address below to arrive no later than Friday 7 August 2020 at 5pm (GMT). Digital recommendation letters must be emailed to the Embassy directly.

MEXT Postgraduate Scholarship
Japan Information and Cultural Centre
Embassy of Japan
101-104 Piccadilly, London W1J 7JT

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