Category: summer conference 2023 speakers
Guerbet Chemistry Renewed – New Directions for an Old Reaction
Site – structure – performance correlations in MOF-based catalysts
Catalyst design and development for electrochemical water splitting
The annual production of hydrogen is over 90 million tonnes, with > 96% generated from fossil fuels (mostly by steam methane reformation of natural gas) releasing large quantities of CO2 as…
Ab initio predictions for elementary adsorption and reaction steps in heterogeneous catalysis
Catalyst design and development for electrochemical water splitting
Revisiting Liquid Phase Hydrogenations using Pd Nanoparticles
A New Relativistic Ultrafast Electron Diffraction and Imaging (RUEDI) National Facility in the UK
Development of operando spectroscopic methods and controlled catalyst preparation
The application of Kerr-gated Raman spectroscopy in zeolite catalysed hydrocarbon conversion reactions
In this work, methanol-to-hydrocarbons, biomass-upgrading reactions and plastic conversion are studied over zeolite catalysts, using vibrational spectroscopy to give mechanistic insight. Raman Spectroscopy can identify carbonaceous surface species during catalysis,…