Senior Computational Scientist โ€“ Accelerator Development, Science and Technology Facilities Council, Didcot

We have an exciting vacancy for a Senior Computational Scientist in the Scientific Computing Department (SCD) to join the team developing modern Materials and Molecular Modelling packages on High Performance Computing (HPC) platforms. 

You will focus on the porting to and optimisation of such codes on accelerators, especially GPUs. The work forms part of the recently funded Particles At eXascale on High Performance Computer (PAX-HPC) grant (EP/W026775/1) funded under the UKRI ExCALIBUR (Exascale Computing ALgorithms & Infrastructures Benefiting UK Research โ€“, a UK research programme that aims to deliver the next generation of high-performance simulation software for the highest-priority fields in UK research.

PAX-HPC is a ยฃ3M project to port and optimise high impact particle-based scientific codes to modern HPC architectures. For the first time it brings together experts in Materials and Molecular Modelling (MMM) and Smoothed-Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH), and is a large collaboration within the UK including UCL, Durham, Manchester, York, STFC, Lincoln and Southampton amongst other centres. Within the project a total of 7 RSEs are funded, and as a central strand of the grant is knowledge exchange the post advertised here will form part of a large community over the coming years.

More information and to apply visit โ€“

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