2021 ex situ BAG call open

We would like to invite you to apply for beamtime as part of our Block allocation group (BAG) access to the Core XAFS beamline B18 at Diamond Light source. Because of COVID-19 restrictions no external users are allowed at DLS but we have been in conversation with our colleagues at B18 and…

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New call for UK Catalysis Hub BAG at Diamond Light Source B18

Diamond Light Source

The deadline for submission of proposals to the Catalysis BAG on B18 is 10th January 2020, Friday, 09:00h, and should be submitted to Dr. Nitya Ramanan RamananN@cardiff.ac.uk with subject line B18BAG#4_6 The total time available for this call is 3 days, which will take place between 17th and 21st February 2020. The time will…

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How the Hub can help academics

PDRA working in the lab

Training and Development The UK Catalysis Hub will help researchers to expand their knowledge base through direct interaction with central facilities, training and collaboration, for example ISIS on neutron techniques and modelling, specialised workshops, staff development and training provided by the academic partners including, for example, through interactions with the…

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