Gender Diversity and Inclusion in Academia

Diversity and inclusion, with respect to gender, nationality, culture, sexuality, etc… is unfortunately still missing in most places, and universities are definitely not a front runner. Research has shown that increased diversity in the working place, adding diversity in methods, approaches, etc… leads to increased performance and output overall. Whereas…

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EDI session: Careers in Science

EDI session at the UK Catalysis Hub Winter Conference 2020. Careers in Science – routes to success no matter your background – Dr. Miriam O’Duill (Nottingham), Dr. Tanvir Hussain (Nottingham) & Dr. Nelson Dzade (Cardiff) speak about their experiences over their careers. Watch a recording of the talks below: Dr. Tanvir Hussain has been kind enough…

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Dr. Sherry Yiping

Yiping Shi photo

Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Durham I did my undergraduate degree in the University of Bristol and then obtained a PhD degree in the University of St Andrews working under the supervision of Prof. Paul Kamer and Prof. David Cole-Hamilton. My PhD was in the area of homogeneous catalysis, and…

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Dr Cristina Stere

Cristina Stere photo

Energy Theme highlights: Probing the role of a non-thermal plasma (NTP) in the hybrid NTP-catalytic oxidation of CH4 The release of methane into the atmosphere must be stringently controlled as it has a warming potential at least 21 times higher than that of CO2, being, therefore, a major contributor to…

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