PhD studentship at Durham University

As part of an EU Horizon Europe Consortium, an exciting 39-month PhD studentship funded by Innovate UK is available with Dr. Simon Beaumont based at Durham University. The project will be based on catalysts and sorbent technologies for the abatement of methane emissions from dairy and meat production – an exciting and timely…

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Complexity in Pd–Catalyzed Cross-Couplings: Uncovering Competing Catalytic Cycles Through High Throughput Experimentation and Rich Data Analysis of Reaction Outcomes

In this Webinar I will discuss the complexity associated with some Pd-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions (e.g. in terms of Pd catalyst speciation and reaction outcomes).  I will then describe how we have used the Chemspeed ISYNTH platform, in tandem with other techniques and methods, to examine a complicated Pd-catalyzed cross-coupling involving the reaction…

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Automating Chemical HTE workflow and dataflow

This presentation will look at some of the challenges and progress made in automating Chemical HTE and associated flow of data between systems. Biography Simon gained his MChem in Chemistry from the University of York in 2002 and has spent the majority of his career in AstraZeneca’s Chemical Development department.…

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Flexible Automation: A New Approach to Meet Evolving Challenges

Automated executions of chemical synthesis and discovery has risen as a critical enabling technology. New tools combining advanced robotics with experiment planning by machine learning, known as self-driving labs, are now attainable. However, the optimal deployment of these technologies remains under development, requiring a recursive design-make-build cycle dedicated to tuning…

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Ultrafast Laser Scientist (ULTRA) Industrial Placement

The Central Laser Facility (CLF) at the STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) is a world leading laser facility, providing scientists, from the UK and Europe and industry with an unparalleled range of state-of-the-art laser technology.  Within the CLF the ULTRA laser facility provides state of the art, high average power,…

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Providing accurate chemical reactivity prediction with ML models

Numerous disciplines, such as image recognition and machine translation, have been revolutionized by using machine learning (ML) to leverage big data. In organic synthesis, providing accurate chemical reactivity prediction with ML models could assist chemists with reaction prediction, optimization, and mechanistic interrogation. This talk will cover the Doyle group’s efforts…

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Developing tools to discover and optimise complex chemical systems

The synthesis of molecular materials and supramolecular systems is challenging – in part because their formation and self-assembly is strongly influenced by reaction environment. We use three approaches to control supramolecular synthesis and/or self-assembly: 1) tuning the building blocks;1 2) varying the interaction strength between building blocks,2and 3) controlling the reaction…

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