Artificial Metalloenzymes for in vivo Catalysis: Challenges and Opportunities
Mechanism of Ammonia Synthesis on a Fe3Mo3N Surface
Ammonia (NH3) synthesis is a key industrial process, being of vital importance for the production of fertiliser, explosives, and fine chemicals. Traditional promoted Fe Haber-Bosch catalysts require high temperatures and…
PhD position in Hypervalent iodine reagents for late-stage functionalisation with University of Nottingham
Fully-funded 42-month organic chemistry PhD studentship available for UK students in the O’Duill group at the University of Nottingham ( Start date: October 2022. Application deadline: April 11th 2022. More information…
3 new positions at Loughborough University
The school of chemistry at Loughborough University is looking to grow capability in the area of experimental physical chemistry. Applicants with an excellent research track-record in a diverse area of…
New newsletter out now!
Our new newsletter is out now with articles on our new members and current research, the new UK Catalysis Hub projects and publications. Visit to read and download.
Postdoctoral Research Associate University of Edinburgh
We are looking for a highly motivated post-doc to work on a project at the chemistry-biology interface looking to improve the sustainability of chemical synthesis. The project seeks to design new…
Research Fellow (Anniversary Fellowship) Southampton University
From revolutionising the rail infrastructure and improving the lives of people affected by dementia, to gaining a deeper understanding of culture and creativity, research at the University of Southampton addresses…
PhD position in Novel polymers from renewable feedstocks: synthesis, catalysis, and applications with University of Bath and UK Catalysis Hub
Applications are invited for a 3.5 year PhD studentship across the Davidson and Buchard groups in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Bath, UK. In this project you…
PhD Studentship – Iridium-free Catalysts for Water Electrolysis with Manchester Metropolitan University
The clean and sustainable production of hydrogen offers an essential pathway to decarbonisation of numerous industries and technologies. Electrolysers, which split water into hydrogen and oxygen using electricity are expected…