RSC SURCAT Best PhD Thesis Award

We are pleased to announce the RSC SURCAT Best PhD Thesis Award. This Award would be presented annually by SURCAT group to a young researcher who has completed his/her PhD thesis registered within the UK based institution. The award would be presented at the next UK Catalysis conference including a Citation and a cash prize of £250. The young…

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Towards developing structure/reactivity relationships for elevated temperature operation of ultra-selective aniline synthesis catalysts

The heterogeneously catalysed hydrogenation of nitrobenzene to synthesize aniline is a key reaction in the process chain to produce isocyanates, materials used in the production of polyurethanes.  Reflecting the complexity of large-scale isocyanate manufacture, the reaction is typically undertaken within an integrated chemical complex [1].  This scenario then provides the opportunity to…

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2021 ex situ BAG call open

We would like to invite you to apply for beamtime as part of our Block allocation group (BAG) access to the Core XAFS beamline B18 at Diamond Light source. Because of COVID-19 restrictions no external users are allowed at DLS but we have been in conversation with our colleagues at B18 and…

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EDI session: Careers in Science

EDI session at the UK Catalysis Hub Winter Conference 2020. Careers in Science – routes to success no matter your background – Dr. Miriam O’Duill (Nottingham), Dr. Tanvir Hussain (Nottingham) & Dr. Nelson Dzade (Cardiff) speak about their experiences over their careers. Watch a recording of the talks below: Dr. Tanvir Hussain has been kind enough…

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Academic Publishing Q&A Session

A brief presentation and opportunity to ask a leading scientific publisher about the process and benefits of academic publishing given by Stephen Soehnlen (World Scientific). Watch a recording of the talk below:

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JMT 2020 Award Winner Announced!!

The UK Catalysis Hub have named Prof. Adrian Mulholland from the University of Bristol as person of outstanding achievement in catalysis for pioneering computational modelling of enzyme-catalysed reactions to reveal catalytic mechanisms and analyse the effects of protein dynamics at the UK Catalysis Hub Winter Conference on the 7th of December…

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Morphology of Cu Clusters Supported on Reconstructed Polar ZnO Surfaces

Unbiased Monte Carlo procedures are applied to investigate the structure of Cu clusters of various sizes deposited over reconstructed polar ZnO surfaces. Four distinct reconstructed polar ZnO surfaces (two Zn terminated reconstructions, and two O terminated reconstructions) were investigated, having previously been determined to be the most stable under typical…

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Determining the FAIRness of UK Catalysis Hub Data Objects

This poster illustrates the adoption and customisation of a process for aligning existing data objects with the FAIR data principles (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reuse [3, 6]). This is a preparatory step for creating the Catalysis Data Infrastructure (CDI), an online repository that stores persistent relationships between different types of data…

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Hiding the catalyst inside a (bio) material ‘raincoat’ for sustainable chemical transformations in water

 Sustainable chemical transformations of renewables for fine chemical synthesis require tremendous activity and high selectivity. Homogeneous/bio-catalysts in aqueous media often suffer from poor substrate solubility, difficult catalyst/product separation and subsequent poor catalyst recycle. This may be overcome by protecting the active site in a chemical ‘raincoat’. This raincoat must be…

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Life cycle assessment of novel catalysed treatment methods for fracking wastewaters: wet air oxidation

In recent years the quantity of natural gas available has increased significantly due to shale gas production. However, shale gas extraction and processing produce large amounts of wastewater containing high concentrations of suspended solids, organics, chemicals, naturally occurring radioactive materials and dissolved inorganic materials (e.g. halides and heavy metals). Energy…

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