Positions at the University of Oslo

Dear Catalysis Friends We are recruiting talent in Oslo. 1. Postdoc position with focus on catalyst deactivation and advanced characterization: Postdoctoral Research Fellow in in chemistry/material science with focus on…

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RSC SURCAT Best PhD Thesis Award

We are pleased to announce the RSC SURCAT Best PhD Thesis Award. This Award would be presented annually by SURCAT group to a young researcher who has completed his/her PhD thesis registered within the UK based…

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2021 ex situ BAG call open

We would like to invite you to apply for beamtime as part of our Block allocation group (BAG) access to the Core XAFS beamline B18 at Diamond Light source. Because of COVID-19…

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EDI session: Careers in Science

EDI session at the UK Catalysis Hub Winter Conference 2020. Careers in Science – routes to success no matter your background – Dr. Miriam O’Duill (Nottingham), Dr. Tanvir Hussain (Nottingham) & Dr. Nelson Dzade (Cardiff) speak…

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Academic Publishing Q&A Session

A brief presentation and opportunity to ask a leading scientific publisher about the process and benefits of academic publishing given by Stephen Soehnlen (World Scientific). Watch a recording of the…

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JMT 2020 Award Winner Announced!!

The UK Catalysis Hub have named Prof. Adrian Mulholland from the University of Bristol as person of outstanding achievement in catalysis for pioneering computational modelling of enzyme-catalysed reactions to reveal catalytic…

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