Dr Roong Jien Wong, Research Fellow at RMIT University

Dr. Roong Jien Wong (RJ) completed his PhD in Chemical Engineering in 2017 under the supervision of Prof. Rose Amal at UNSW, Australia. He is currently a Research Fellow at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, and has a wide range of experience in heterogeneous catalysis research for renewable energy andā€¦

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Prof David Lennon

Professor of Physical Chemistry, University of Glasglow What is your background? What made you decide to become a scientist?  After leaving School at 16, I trained to be a laboratory technician in a paint factory before taking up a position as an Experimental Assistant in the Polythene Research Section ofā€¦

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Dr Andrew C. Marr

School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Head of Year 1 Chemistry, Queen’s University Belfast. What is your background? What made you decide to become a scientist? I grew up in Edinburgh with my elder brother. We both ended up doing PhDs in chemistry in St Andrews in catalysis. I thinkā€¦

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Prof. Asterios Gavriilidis

Dept of Chemical Engineering, University College London What is your background? What made you decide to become a scientist? My background is in chemical engineering, while my PhD focused on catalytic reaction engineering and specifically on catalyst activity optimisation in pellets and reactors. The inspiration to become a scientist cameā€¦

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Dr. Sherry Yiping

Yiping Shi photo

Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Durham I did my undergraduate degree in the University of Bristol and then obtained a PhD degree in the University of St Andrews working under the supervision of Prof. Paul Kamer and Prof. David Cole-Hamilton. My PhD was in the area of homogeneous catalysis, andā€¦

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Dr. James McGregor

Senior Lecturer and Director of Student Recruitment, University of Sheffield, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering Iā€™m currently a senior lecturer in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at the University of Sheffield and one of the co-investigators on the UK Catalysis Hub grant. My route into science andā€¦

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Dr. Andrew Logsdail

School of Chemistry, Cardiff University What is your background? What made you decide to become a scientist? I was always much better with numbers than words, and the core of my education was a combination of maths, computer science and chemistry. At school, I was really inspired by the capabilities ofā€¦

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Dr. Andrew Logsdail

Andrew was awarded BSc (2006), MRes (2008) and PhD (2012) degrees from the School of Chemistry, University of Birmingham. His PhD focused on the computational modelling of gold nanoparticles and bimetallic derivatives,Ā and he was awarded a Springer-Verlag PhD Thesis Prize in 2013. Andrew then moved to UCL where he heldā€¦

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