Past Webinar: Heterogeneous Catalysis: The Future of Organic Synthesis?

When: 1 October, 15:00
Where: Watch Now

Prof. Dr. Matthias Beller (LIKAT Rostock) gave a seminar on recent advancements in catalysis.

Prof. Dr. Matthias Beller (LIKAT Rostock) will give a 40 minute seminar followed by questions and discussion.

Matthias Beller studied chemistry at the University of Göttingen, where he completed his PhD thesis in 1989. As recipient of a Liebig scholarship he then spent a one-year with Sharpless at MIT. Afterwards he worked in industry until 1995, when he moved to the TU of Munich as Professor for Inorganic Chemistry. In 1998, he relocated to Rostock to head the Institute for Organic Catalysis, which became in 2006 the Leibniz-Institute for Catalysis. The work of his group has been published in >1000 original publications, reviews and >158 patent applications have been filed / H-index: 127.

Matthias Beller was honoured with a number of awards including the Otto-Roelen Medal, the Leibniz-Price and the German Federal Cross of Merit. Besides, he received the first “European price for Sustainable Chemistry”, the “Paul-Rylander Award” of the Organic Reaction Catalysis Society of the USA, the Gay-Lussac-Alexander-von-Humboldt-Prize of the French Academy of Sciences and the Emil Fischer Medal of the German Chemical Society. Moreover, he was awarded an honorary doctoral degree from the University of Antwerp and of the University of Rennes 1. He received the Wöhler price for Sustainable Chemistry from the German Chemical Society and an ERC Advanced grant from the European Commission.

In 2017, Matthias Beller was awarded the Karl Ziegler Prize from the German Chemical Society and the Karl Ziegler Foundation, one of the highest honors in the field of chemistry in Germany. He has received as the first European chemist with the ACS Catalysis Award Lectureship. Last year, Beller was selected as the prestigious “Hassel Lecturer” from the University of Oslo and for the “Gordon Stone Lectureship” of the University of Bristol as well.

Beller is Vice President of the Leibniz Society and member of the German National Academia of Science “Leopoldina” and three other Academies of Sciences.

Watch the full webinar below:

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