Dr. Sherry Yiping

Yiping Shi photo

Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Durham I did my undergraduate degree in the University of Bristol and then obtained a PhD degree in the University of St Andrews working under…

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Dr. James McGregor

Senior Lecturer and Director of Student Recruitment, University of Sheffield, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering I’m currently a senior lecturer in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering at…

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Dr. Andrew Logsdail

School of Chemistry, Cardiff University What is your background? What made you decide to become a scientist? I was always much better with numbers than words, and the core of my…

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Dr. Andrew Logsdail

Andrew was awarded BSc (2006), MRes (2008) and PhD (2012) degrees from the School of Chemistry, University of Birmingham. His PhD focused on the computational modelling of gold nanoparticles and…

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Prof. Philip Davies

Phil Davies studied chemistry and mathematics in Southampton University moving to Cardiff to study reactions at surfaces with surface-sensitive spectroscopy under the supervision of Wyn Roberts. He was appointed to…

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Dr. Haresh Manyar

Haresh Manyar is Lecturer in Chemical Engineering at Queen’s University Belfast (QUB). He is the Theme Lead of Catalysis research cluster and the Year Head of Teaching for level 2…

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Prof. Donna Blackmond

Donna G Blackmond received a PhD in Chemical Engineering from Carnegie-Mellon University. She has held professorships in chemistry and in chemical engineering in the US, Germany, and the UK, and…

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Prof. Matthew Davidson

Matthew Davidson photo

Matthew Davidson is Director of the Centre for Sustainable Chemical Technologies (CSCT) at the University of Bath. He graduated in Chemistry from the University of Wales, Swansea in 1990 and received…

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Dr. Dmitry Eremin

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Dmitry B. Eremin received his summa cum laude in chemistry from Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russian Federation) in 2014 and moved to Zelinsky Institute of Organic Chemistry (Russian Federation), where…

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Prof. Enrique Iglesia

Enrique Iglesia photo

Enrique Iglesia received a B.S. from Princeton University (1977, summa cum laude) and a Ph.D. from Stanford University (1982) in Chemical Engineering. In 1993, he joined the University of California…

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