ECR Experiences

ECR networking event 2018 photo
image credit: UK Catalysis Hub

The UK Catalysis supports ECRs where our regular conference series has allowed interaction and liaison, especially for those new to the field or to the UK and where our funding streams have assisted some ECRs in developing their programmes. ECRs employed on Hub projects have been particularly successful with several moving in the last two years to permanent academic and industrial appointments.

Research associate next positions; 12 PDRAS have lectureships and research positions, 2 fellowships, 1 beamline scientist, 10 industrial positions and 1 teacher.


A number students funded on other projects have been associated with the hub, over the past 3 years: 15 students including; 6 iCASE students have or are been based at Harwell as well as 3 MChem Placements. The students are hosted by a number of Institutions including Cardiff, Glasgow, UCL, Oxford, QUB and Southampton and spend time based at Harwell. Graduated doctoral students have gone on to become PDRAs, industrial scientists and teachers.

8 PHD (Harwell only) students completed so far; 5 research associates, 1 teacher, 1 industrial and 1 Research Fellow.

The Hub has supported early career researchers from eight institutions to collaborate with Hub scientists through the affiliate researcher scheme. In addition it has housed a successful team of graduate students (currently thirteen, past six) who have responded well to the scientific environment of the Harwell campus.

Current opportunities:

Please come and talk to us if you are interested in ECR opportunities or email our Project Manager – Dr. Josie Goodall –

Find our current opportunities on the studentships page.

ECR experiences at the UK Catalysis Hub:

Dr Alex Grigoropoulos

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Chemical Transformation Theme highlights: Encapsulation of an organometallic cationic catalyst by direct exchange into an anionic MOF The Chemical Transformations theme of the UK Catalysis Hub has undertaken a wide…

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