External Events

External catalysis events and opportunities for your diary below.

For a list of events that are useful for academic early career researchers in catalysis please see the ECR events page.

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ISIS 40th Science Roadshows 2024  

Events spread across the UK to celebrate the 40th anniversary of neutron science at ISIS. I​SIS will be hosting a selection of roadshow events across the UK throughout 2024, in celebration of the 40th anniversary of neutron production at the facility. These roadshow events will showcase the world-leading science that has taken place,…

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When: 14 – 19 July 2024Where: Lyon, France The French catalysis community is honored to host the next International Congress on Catalysis, which will be held in Lyon on July 14-19, 2024. All French academic laboratories related to catalysis, along with the majority of the industrial companies will contribute to a successful event. France’s…

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Cell Symposia: A circular economy for the chemical sector

When: 22 – 24 July 2024Where: Cardiff, Wales, UK  This Cell Symposia will bring together a diverse range of stakeholders from across the science, engineering, business, and policy sectors with a view to facilitate cross-disciplinary dialogue and identify key actions to take now as well as the future research and…

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7th TYC Energy Materials workshop – from data to discovery

When: 24 – 26 July 2024Where: London The 7th Energy Materials workshop of the Thomas Young Centre will take place in London from July 24-26, 2024. It will focus on the journey from data to discovery of new energy materials and will bring together the theoretical and experimental communities to discuss…

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RSC Dalton Division Southern Regional Meeting 2024 

When: 28 August 2024Where: University of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath, BA2 7AY This symposium will showcase the breadth of inorganic chemistry, with contributions encouraged from all areas within inorganic chemistry. The one day Southern Dalton Meeting will be held at the University of Bath on the 28th August 2024. The meeting will…

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HarwellXPS Thematic Summer School 2024

When: 9th – 13th September 2024Where: ‘The Vale Resort’ in South Wales, UK HarwellXPS is hosting the 2024 Summer School for XPS at ‘The Vale Resort’ in South Wales, UK. This is a continuation of the long running workshop series run by CNRS in France, which concluded in 2022. This event…

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Engineering Porous Materials on Multiple Scales (EPOMM) Conference

When: 18-19 September 2024Where: University of Bath We are delighted to inform you of the 1st conference on Engineering Porous Materials at Multiple Scales (EPoMM) from 18-19 September 2024 at the University of Bath campus.  We welcome you to the historic and picturesque city of Bath, for the 1st Conference on Engineering Porous Materials at Multiple Scales…

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SMARTER 8 workshop

When: 22-25 September 2024Where: Aveiro, Portugal The SMARTER meeting brings together scientists in the areas of computation, diffraction, magnetic resonance and other spectroscopic techniques to promote and develop SMARTER approaches to optimally combine various techniques for structure elucidation of complex inorganic, organic and biological materials.  In 2024, SMARTER returns to Aveiro, between 22-25 September,…

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When: 21-28 September 2024Where:  I.S.E.O. Institute, Italy The I.S.E.O. Institute and the University of Brescia are partnering to promote the Nanochemistry Camp, an international residential summer school aimed at master’s and doctoral students in chemistry and allied fields, where nanochemistry plays a key role.The course delivers top-tier, cutting-edge insights on pivotal…

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Energy and Material Flows in Sustainable Petrochemistry Conference

When: 27 – 29 November 2024Where: House of the Patriotic Society, Trostbrücke 4-6, 20457 Hamburg The Conference is jointly organized by the DGMK Division “Petrochemistry”, the Division of Industrial Chemistry of the Società Chimica Italiana (SCI) and the ÖGEW Österreichische Gesellschaft für Energiewissenschaften. This conference brings together experts from industry…

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