External Opportunities

Current opportunities:

PhD and ECR opportunities from the catalysis community.

Senior Research Scientist at BP

The advanced bio & physical sciences for low carbon energy (AB&PS) team is the central research organization for biosciences, chemistry, materials sciences, biofuels, green hydrogen/ electrochemistry, and the science of…

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Research Associate in Organometallic Catalysis at University of York

Applications are invited for a research associate to work in the groups of Professors Jason Lynam (https://www.york.ac.uk/chemistry/staff/academic/h-n/jlynam/), Ian Fairlamb (https://www.york.ac.uk/chemistry/staff/academic/d-g/ifairlamb/) and Neil Hunt (https://www.york.ac.uk/chemistry/staff/academic/h-n/neil-hunt/#research-content). The work is funded by the UK’s…

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