Watch Now – Pathfinders ā€“ Catalysis: Experimental Data Capture

When: 3 October 2023
Where: Online

This webinar continues our look at our pathfinder activities in the current phase. The subject of this webinar is experimental data capture in catalysis research. This is the focus of Pathfinder 1 which is led by Abraham Nieva de la Hidalga.

Experimental Data Capture: producing publish ready data from processing and analysis processes, example with XAS data processing.

Abstract: In this seminar we will demonstrate two techniques for processing and analysing data that generate the required metadata to create FAIR digital objects. These objects can then be published as supporting information for the results obtained. This approach requires minimum intervention from the researcher performing the processing and analysis tasks. Consequently, these methods are ideal for improving the practices of publishing data, facilitate reproducibility of results, and support greater reuse of published data.

Watch a recording of the webinar at

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