CO2 Capture, Concentration, and Conversion

Closing the anthropogenic carbon cycle requires selective valorization of CO2 and efficient methods for capture and concentration from dilute streams. The first part of the talk will discuss the challenge of product selectivity in electrocatalytic CO2 reduction to renewable fuels. Desirable CO2 reduction products require proton equivalents, but key catalytic intermediates in CO2 reduction can…

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Gender Diversity and Inclusion in Academia

Diversity and inclusion, with respect to gender, nationality, culture, sexuality, etc… is unfortunately still missing in most places, and universities are definitely not a front runner. Research has shown that increased diversity in the working place, adding diversity in methods, approaches, etc… leads to increased performance and output overall. Whereas…

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Past Webinar: Patents for Chemists: Protecting your invention

When: 15 June 2021, 15:00 – 16:00 GMTWhere: Virtual Following on from their 2020 “Introduction to Patents” webinar, Abel + Imray will be hosting a “Patents for Chemists” webinar with details of some further key considerations to keep in mind when you want to protect your ideas. Obtaining adequate protection…

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Past Webinar: Cascading Towards New Biocatalytic Methodology

When: Tuesday 18th May, 15:00 GMT Catalytically reversible reactions, including alkene metathesis and transfer hydrogenation, have had an enormous impact on the development of synthetic strategies for the synthesis of bioactive compounds and important materials. However, the vast majority of chemically catalysed processes are non-reversible. In contrast, many enzyme-catalysed processes…

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Past Webinar: PhD Students Webinar on catalysis

When: 26 April 2021, 15:00 GMT A joint webinar from 3 PhD students on catalysis. Alex Hawkins (Glasgow), Gareth Davies (Sheffield) and Gregory Sulley (Oxford) will talk about their PhD projects. Gareth Davies (Sheffield) – Operando studies of aerosol-assisted sol-gel (AASG) catalyst synthesis via combined optical trapping and Raman spectroscopy Aerosol-assisted heterogeneous catalyst…

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