Catalyst design informed by product and process requirements
Each year, thousands of academic papers are published on catalyst design, while there are only around 300 commercial catalysts available currently. To a certain extent this is due to the…
Each year, thousands of academic papers are published on catalyst design, while there are only around 300 commercial catalysts available currently. To a certain extent this is due to the…
The use of solar energy to drive CO2 utilisation is a two birds one stone strategy, which helps to reduce greenhouse gasses while also embedding green energy into our modern economy. 1 Photocatalytic…
Click on the poster titles to view the poster abstracts and click on the Zoom links between 2pm – 3pm on the 7th December to join the poster presenters and…
Diamond Light Source, the UK national synchrotron is planning an upgrade to the machine and the associated beamlines. One opportunity that this provides is the possibility to convert the VerSoX…
We present a detailed study of the surface structure of sulfated zirconia and changes in the acid-base properties of this material upon sulfonation. By using periodic DFT approaches, we explored…
The efficient and effective use of the world-leading synchrotron facilities for catalytic research is one of the major successes and driving force of the Catalysis Community, especially in the area…