I will discuss how biomass and bioinspiration can be utilised to design powerful electrocatalysts for Oxygen and CO2 Reduction.

Magda Titirici has a PHD from University of Dortmund and Habitation from Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces. She moved in the UK in 2013 first as a Reader, being promoted to full professor in 2014 at QMUL. Since 2019 she is a Chair of Sustainable Energy Materials in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Imperial College London. She is also an RAEng Chair in Emerging Technologies. Her research is on developing and fundamentally understanding sustainable materials in energy storage and conversion technologies. She has pioneered enzyme inspired carbon catalysts to replace Pt in the Oxygen Reduction Reaction at the cathode of a fuel cell and is currently expanding their use to biomass electrocatalysis as well as CO2 reduction.
Watch a recording of the presentation below: