Industry – Interacting with the UK Catalysis Hub

Diamond Inside photo Tour2017
image credit: UK Catalysis Hub

The UK catalysis Hub can offer a range of benefical interaction from networking with the catalysis community, focussed workshops, collaboration on projects, hosting of student positions, developing new collaborations or access to experts across the breadth of catalysis. The UK Catalysis Hub includes over 20 companies and 46 universites.


The UK Catalysis Hub organises many networking events throughout the year including confernences, seminars workshops and discussions. These range from broad conferences to themed meetings. The UK Catalysis Hub also has a strategic location on the Harwell Campus and has a strong relationship with the UK large facilities based there and can help developing relationships and capabilities in for example the areas of syncrotron, neutron and laser techniques for catalysis. Find out more on the events page.


The Hub aims to facilitate the development of new approaches and techniques in catalytic science as well as developing a new generation of researchers. The Hub can co-orginaise focused workshops and bring together expertise to discuss challenges in catalysis and catalyst using industries. Workshops on techniques are aimed at challenges facing industry and academia, to inform the catalysis community on new techniques in spectroscopy and analysis to to train scientists in new areas. Workshops have included laser techniques, EPR, neutrons, working at the bio-chemo interface, biocatalysis modelling, solar fuels, free electron lasers, emissions control and advanced characterisation of materials. Read more about workshops.

Collaboration on projects

Typically up to a year in length Hub research projects are multi-disciplinary involving team of industrial and academic researchers to tackle challenges in catalysis or utilising catalysis with internationally leading scientific excellence. Industry support for a research project close to a company’s technical interests and under the direction of a particular academic can bring immense benefit to a company.  The project will include the support of highly motivated and excellent postgraduate researchers. 


The Hub is always pleased to hear from companies who will provide support for PhD projects. Harwell provides the ideal location for projects interaction with large scale facilities and advanced techniques. The hub is happy to discuss hosting students from any institution whose projects would be benefited by spending time or being located at the Harwell Campus. The hub can facilitate access to new academic collaborations for example through competitions for projects. Read more about studentships.


Have you a specific problem which you need to solve? Please enquire and we will help you find a suitable consultant to help you solve your problem.

Industrial Fellows

The hub has hosted industrial researchers at its facilities at Harwell to facilitate networking with the UK Catalysis Hub and the scientific research in the Hub. Hosting industrial fellows provides the industry and Hub with a vibrant pathway for exchange of knowledge, access to extended networks and expertise across the advanced facilites on the Harwell Campus. Read more about our work with industry.

The Hub

The UK Catalysis Hub was created in 2013 with EPSRC funding with the aim to establish a world-leading, comprehensive and coordinated programme of catalytic science in the UK; to develop new knowledge and promote innovation in and translation of catalytic science and technology; and to enable the UK to regain and retain its world leading position in catalysis. The Hub has run over 160 projects and produced over 760 publications to date in areas ranging from catalysis for deNOx reactions, biobutanol production and utilisation, water purification, particulate destruction in automotive exhaust and clean hydrogen production

The physical hub is in the Research Complex at Harwell, (RCaH) and includes first class facilities for research in catalytic science, including a suite of catalysis laboratories for the preparation and analysis of catalysts as a resource for the whole community.

A key component of the work of the Hub, has been its strong relationships with the world leading facilities on the Harwell campus, including the Diamond Light Source, the ISIS neutron facility and the Central Laser Facility (CLF); where work of the Hub team has led to the growing use and development of the facilities for catalytic science. The scientific programme coordinates the three themes Hub,: Optimising, predicting and designing new catalystsCatalysis at the water and energy nexus and Catalysis for the circular economy and sustainable manufacturingCore activities include our coordinating activities, comprising our influential and well attended conference, workshop and training programs, our growing outreach and dissemination. 

Industrial Advisory Board members 

Industrial involvement IAP companies logos

Companies involved with Hub Projects

Companies involved in Hub Projects

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