External Opportunities

Current opportunities:

PhD and ECR opportunities from the catalysis community.

ACGĀ Applied Catalysis Award

The Applied Catalysis Award is held every two years, for individuals who have contributed significantly in the field of applied catalysis, and is not limited to one field in catalysis.ā€¦

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Photo induced Force Microscopy (PiFM)

Photo induced Force Microscopy (PiFM) combines the analytical power of infrared vibrational spectroscopy with the spatially resolved nano-topographical information of atomic force microscopy (AFM) creating an extraordinarily powerful technique forā€¦

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Overseas Lindemann Fellowships

Lindemann Fellowships, each worth $130,000, are designed as an early post-doctoral opportunity, and are awarded to graduates of exceptional promise in both the pure and applied physical sciences, who haveā€¦

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