Image credit: UKRI EPSRC
The UK catalysis Hub has a range of activities going on.
Please use the menu to see recent publications and events.
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Image credit: UKRI EPSRC
The UK catalysis Hub has a range of activities going on.
Please use the menu to see recent publications and events.
To get regular updates on all our news and events Sign up to our mailing list here
Congratulations to Prof. David Lennon winner of the ISIS Economic Impact Award for his work on probing the interactions of atoms and molecules with the surfaces of catalysts. Read all…
Congratulations to Prof. Charlotte Williams (Oxford) for being elected a Fellow of the Royal Society this year for her contributions to sustainable polymer chemistry and catalysis. “I am delighted and…
An article has been published in ACS Catalysis to commemorate the 70th birthday of Prof. Graham Hutchings and his diverse and distinguished career in catalysis, working in industry and academia. The article outlines…
Our External Advisory Board Member (EAB) Walter Leitner has been nominated for the European Inventor Award 2021 – https://www.epo.org/news-events/events/european-inventor/finalists/2021/gurtler.html. There is a “popular vote” as part of the competition. You can take part and vote for…
We are happy to announce Professor Graham Hutchings is the winner of the 2021 Michel Boudart Award in Fundamental Catalysis. Graham received this prestigious award for his groundbreaking work on…
You will join our team to work on a newly funded EPSRC project – Nitridic and Carbidic Interstitial Pd Nanoparticles for Directed Catalysis. This is an interdisciplinary partnership between researchers at…
The project will involve a wide range of synthetic, computational and instrumentation techniques in collaboration with an interdisciplinary project team comprised of: Paul Pringle and Natalie Fey (Bristol), Ulrich Hintermair…
A research associate is sought for a project, led by Professor Ian Fairlamb in the Department of Chemistry, co-funded by the EPSRC UK Catalysis hub and GlaxoSmithKline under the Catalysis for the…
The successful candidate will work on hydrogen technologies within the £4m Manchester Fuel Cell Innovation Centre (MFCIC), part of the Advanced Materials and Surface Engineering (AMSE) Research Centre. The centre…
The UK Catalysis Hub opened its Call for Projects in March 2020 and received 61 Proposals with 97 years PDRA time requested supported by over £850,000 funding from industry. The projects were of…