Research Fellow in Computational Chemistry with University of Southampton

You will join our team to work on a newly funded EPSRC project – Nitridic and Carbidic Interstitial Pd Nanoparticles for Directed Catalysis. This is an interdisciplinary partnership between researchers at the University of Southampton (Dr Peter Wells, Dr Marina Carravetta, and Prof. Chris-Kriton Skylaris), Queen’s University Belfast (Prof. Alexandre Goguet),…

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Past webinar: Joint Seminar with Prof. Fernanda Duarte – Chemical reactivity in solution and under confinement & Dr Ai-Lan Lee – Catalysis: Gold, Silver, Light

When: 22 February 2021, 15:00 GMT Prof. Fernanda Duarte (Oxford) & Dr Ai-Lan Lee (Heriot-Watt) gave a joint seminar. Prof. Fernanda Duarte (Oxford)Chemical reactivity in solution and under confinement – Applications and computational developments Recent advances in both experimental and computational techniques pose an exciting yet challenging time for chemistry. Current computational…

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Alberto Roldan

Keywords: Computational Chemistry Heterogeneous Catalysis Surface Science Energy and Environment  Contact: Website:

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