Women in Science

Photo of women in science at Hub celebration meeting

Celebrating the students, scientists and staff who have worked with the UK Catalysis Hub over the years.

Dr. Sherry Yiping

Yiping Shi photo

Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Durham I did my undergraduate degree in the University of Bristol and then obtained a PhD degree in the University of St Andrews working under…

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Dr Catherine Davies

Dr Catherine Davies photo

Environmental Theme: Soot Control The growth in market share of diesel vehicles, which currently stands at around fifty-five percent of new car sales within the EU, has had the beneficial…

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Ellie Dann


Design theme highlights: Advances in Heterogeneous Catalyst Characterisation; combined XAFS/DRIFTS Spectroscopy Understanding the chemical processes that govern catalytic function is key to developing new and improved catalytic materials. Characterisation methods…

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Dr Cristina Stere

Cristina Stere photo

Energy Theme highlights: Probing the role of a non-thermal plasma (NTP) in the hybrid NTP-catalytic oxidation of CH4 The release of methane into the atmosphere must be stringently controlled as…

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Dr Changhui Chen

photo of Changhui Chen

Chemical Transformations Theme highlights: Electrochemical characterisation and regeneration of sulfur poisoned Pt catalysts The Energy theme of the UK Catalysis hub has undertaken a wide range of liquid and gas…

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Dr Veronica Celorrio

speaker Veronica Celorrio

Energy Theme Highlights: In-situ Probing Structure and Electronic Properties of Transition Metal Oxide Electrocatalysts The Energy theme of the UK Catalysis has undertaken a wide range of liquid and gas…

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Dr Hanan Messiha

PDRA working in the lab

Biocatalysis Theme highlights: Bio-based production of monomers for polymer synthesis The Biocatalysis Theme of the Catalysis Hub is now underway with five core projects which address a range of contemporary…

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