The UK Catalysis Hub Spring Conference on the 2 – 3 May 2019 was attended by over 140 scientists and engineers across the breadth of catalysis; heterogeneous, homogeneous and bio, bridging the disciplines of chemistry engineering and biology.
The Conference took place at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory on the Harwell Campus.
Dr. James Paterson from BP was awarded the JMT Medal for the scientific excellence of his work, clear from publications and patents and its impact in industrially, economically and socially important areas. The award was presented by Sir John Meurig Thomas.
There were many informative and entertaining talks and presentations. Speakers included: Prof. Donna Blackmond, Prof. Matthew Davidson, Prof. Philip Davies, Dr. Dmitry B. Eremin, Prof. Enrique Iglesia, Dr. Simon Kondrat,Dr. Andrew Logsdail, Dr. Haresh Manyar, Prof. Veronique Van Speybroeck and Prof. Moniek Tromp.
The first day finished with a busy poster session and exhibition. Exhibitors included: Andy Beale’s group with Chemical imaging in time and space, University of Manchester with Chemical Recycling of Polymers, HarwellXPS, QUB with Renewable Energy: how can we sustainably produce, store and transport energy, University of Bristol with NarupaXR, Cardiff University with Reaching out with Catalysis, Prof Asterios Gavriilidis’s group with Reactionware and software for accelerating catalyst development, Prof. Charlotte Williams’s group with Switchable Polymerisation Catalysis to Deliver Functional Materials and Dr. Simon Kondrat’s group with Zeolites: Versatile Science within the Cage.
The poster session was followed by a conference dinner at The Cosener’s House, Abingdon. Dr. David Prest, (Non-Executive Director of Drochaid Research Services) spoke about the societal importance of catalysis with reference to recent advances and commented on the key role Industry – University collaborations have to play.
Click here to see photos from the spring conference.
Thanks to all participants and guests who made it a successful event.
The event was kindly sponsored by Asynt, Quantum Design UK and Ireland Ltd & Scientific & Medical Products Ltd.