Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Conference – Call for abstracts

When: 3 – 4 September 2024Where: University of Sheffield, Sheffield, S1 3JD A mix of plenary sessions, oral and poster presentations will showcase the recent advancements in catalysis and reaction engineering. We are inviting relevant abstracts from PhD students and other early career researchers across academia and industry to share…

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Meeting of Inorganic Chemists Recently Appointed (MICRA) 

When: 9 – 11 September 2024Where: University of Leicester This biennial meeting brings together researchers working across the field of inorganic chemistry. Attendees are expected to be at an early stage in their career. This includes early career academics, independent research fellows, and experienced postdoctoral researchers. All attendees are encouraged…

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When: 21-28 September 2024Where:  I.S.E.O. Institute, Italy The I.S.E.O. Institute and the University of Brescia are partnering to promote the Nanochemistry Camp, an international residential summer school aimed at master’s and doctoral students in chemistry and allied fields, where nanochemistry plays a key role.The course delivers top-tier, cutting-edge insights on pivotal…

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SCI  Materials Early Career Committee 

SCI’s Materials Early Careers Committee aims to engage early career scientists in the materials sectors across chemistry and chemical engineering. It has a broad range of interests including catalysis, energy materials, polymers and materials analysis.  The group brings together ECRs in industry and academia, fostering networks and relationships with the…

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Recent Appointees in Materials Science (RAMS)  

The biennial Recent Appointees in Materials Science (RAMS) meeting is an opportunity for recently appointed researchers in the field of materials chemistry to form a collaborative community, share experiences and create a network of support. The next event will be held in 2025  Organised and run by volunteers from the…

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