
Initial Projects
  1. Fuel Cells Beyond Methanol and Ethanol – 3rd generation Direct Fuel Cells Using Oxygenates as Fuel
    a. W Lin, (QUB), PDRA: V Kumar (QUB).
    b. D Brett (UCL), A Russell (Southampton), PDRA: Ji Shan (UCL, 1 year ), A.A Nassr (Southampton, 1 year).
  2. New Approaches to Reforming
    a. C Hardacre (QUB), PDRA: A Caravaca (QUB/ Harwell).
    b. I Metcalfe (Newcastle), J Dennis (Cambridge). PDRA: F Garcia-Garcia (Cambridge/ Newcastle).
  3. Biofuels
    a. K Wilson (Aston). PDRA: X Zhang
    b. M Simmons (Birmingham), David Jackson (Glasgow). PDRA: Florent Bouxin (Glasgow, 1 year), I Kings (Birmingham).
  4. LCA: A cradle-to-grave Life Cycle Assessment of PEM Fuel Cell Systems. Paola Lettieri, ( UCL). PDRA: S Evangalisti (UCL).
2015 Projects
  1. A Multifunctional Flow Platform for Enhanced Biobutanol Production. Bourne (Leeds). PDRA: A Baker (2 years Leeds and Nottingham).
  2. Chemical looping: the use of an oxidation state operating window for selectivity improvement. Metcalfe (Newcastle), P Lettieri (UCL). PDRA: C Tagliaferri (UCL), F Garcia (Newcastle) (2 years Newcastle/UCL).
  3. Non-Thermal Plasma Promotion of Low Temperature Water Gas Shift Catalysts. Hardacre (QUB), PDRA: C Stere (QUB. 2 years PDRA time granted at QUB and Aberdeen) Additional resource: An MEng student and a MScstudent (Manchester). Plasma facility donated to UoA from Geoprober/ Aramco Ltd.
  4. In-situ Probing Structure and Electronic Properties of Transition Metal Oxide Electrocatalysts. Fermin (Bristol), PDRA: V Celorrio (2 years, Bristol). Additional Resource: Two first year students of the Catalysis CDT have been involved in the programme for a combined period of 8 months.
2017 Projects
  1. Understanding the components required for low temperature methane oxidation catalysts. Beale (UCL), Thompson (QUB, 2 years). Non core.
  2. Solar-driven Water-splitting (reverse) gas Fuel Cell (SWFC). Mills, 2 years. PDRA: Michelle Browne (QUB).
  3. Scaleable Production of High Purity Hydrogen using a Hybrid Non-Thermal Plasma-Catalytic Process. Stere, Hardacre, (Manchester, 2 years).
  4. Reaction-Separation Engineering for the Production of Bio-based Chemicals. Wood (Birmingham), Jones (Bath 2 Years). PDRA: Tomos Clarke (Bath).
  5. Photoelectrocatalytic direct alcohol fuel cells. V Kumar (Manchester).

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