When: 6 August 2020
Where: Virtual
The UK Catalysis Hub and Supergen Bioenergy hub hosted their first joint webinar to explore the role of catalysis in delivering sustainable bioenergy and bioproducts, through efficient biomass conversions. The development of the UK bioenergy sector requires a whole systems approach, assessing the efficiency and sustainability of bioenergy processes in line with the availability of resources and the wider energy systems. Biorefineries are reliant on the ability of catalytic technologies that can convert a range of biomass feedstocks and waste resources to power, heat, liquid and gaseous fuels as well as value-added chemicals. Therefore, development of both the catalysts and the technologies could result in significant advances in the attainment of a sustainable bioenergy economy and industry.
This webinar included presentations from researchers from both Hubs on the areas of catalytic conversion technologies, pre-treatment of biomass, through to CO2 conversion, solar fuel cells and waste valorisation. The event comprised of two sessions of presentations followed by time dedicated to discuss and identify potential opportunities for cross-hub engagement and collaboration between researchers. With the continued growth in both catalytic technologies and bioenergy, this webinar was a great opportunity to explore the exciting work being conducted in both Hubs.
Watch the recording of the video below.