A position as PhD Research Fellow in synthesis and characterization of nanostructured microporous solid catalysts is available at the Centre for Materials Science and Nanotechnology (SMN) at the Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, Norway.
No one can be appointed for more than one PhD Research Fellowship period at the University of Oslo.
Preferred starting date is August 1st, 2023, and no later than October 1, 2023.
The fellowship period is 3 years and is part of the project titled “KeyMAT: Advanced Synthesis Designs to Unlock Redox/Acidity Cooperativity in Nanoporous Materials for Selective Oxidation Reactions” funded by the Norwegian Research Council as part of its Young Research Talent program led by Dr. Sebastian Prodinger.
A fourth year may be considered with a workload of 25% that may consist of teaching, supervision duties, and/or research assistance. This is dependent upon the qualification of the applicant and the current needs of the department.
The position will contribute to an on-going, larger effort related to the energy challenges of the late and post fossil fuels society, investigated extensively in the catalysis section. More specifically, the project focuses on the synthesis and characterization of nanostructured microporous solid catalysts such as zeolites. These materials are then investigated for their application in heterogeneous catalytic processes along with complimentary spectroscopic and computational characterization.
For more information and to apply visit https://www.jobbnorge.no/en/available-jobs/job/239374/phd-research-fellow-in-the-synthesis-of-nanoporous-materials