PhD studentships in Process Industries: Net Zero at Newcastle University

12 PhD studentships in the area of “Process Industries: Net Zero”. There will be a broad range of projects, centred around:

(i) new feedstocks for the process industries, including CO2 and biomass;

(ii)  new technologies for the move to new energy vectors (renewable electricity and hydrogen);

(iii)  data processing to underpin the transition to Net Zero (e.g., AI, digital twins etc).

Each project will be co-supervised with one of our 25 industrial partners. Some projects will also be in collaboration with our partners at the Green Chemistry Centre of excellence at the University of York.

These studentships provide 100% fees (Home & international), a minimum tax-free annual living allowance of £18,622 (2023/24 UKRI rate), and a research training support grant of £20,000.

For further information and applications please follow this link: Search Funding | Postgraduate | Newcastle University (

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