Use of plastic has increased 20-fold during the last 50 years, and at the same time only 14% of all plastic is currently recycled. This has led to a worldwide plastic crisis. Plastic Energy has a unique patented Thermal Anaerobic Conversion (TAC) process that enables End of Life Plastic (ELP) to be chemically recycled into virgin plastic. ZSM-5 zeolites are known catalyst to crack carbon-carbon bonds, and potentially to accelerate ELP chemical recycling. I will show in the presentation how this technology was successfully scaled up using a combination of zeolite synthesis/modification, characterization, lab testing, and reactor modelling.
Click below to watch a recording of the presentation:

Pierre Moreau holds a Chemical Engineering degree from Ecole Centrale Marseille, and a PhD with Honours in Heterogenous Catalysis from University of Poitiers, where he studied “Isomerization of Ethylbenzene over bifunctional catalysts Platinum/alumina – medium pore size zeolite”, exploring the fields of catalyst deactivation and pore mouth catalysis. He then joined Velocys as Catalyst Testing Manager, developing Fischer Tropsch process for producing Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) from Biomass and Household Waste. He then most recently joined Plastic Energy, where he has been developing catalytic process to chemically recycle End of Life Plastics, modelling plastic pyrolysis reaction kinetics and plant scale reactor performance.