Research Associate at University of Glasgow

We are seeking a postdoctoral research fellow to work on an EPSRC funded multi-institutional project – Nitridic and Carbidic Interstitial Pd Nanoparticles for Directed Catalysis. This is an interdisciplinary partnership between researchers at the University of Southampton (Dr Peter Wells, Dr Marina Carravetta, and Prof. Chris Skylaris), Queen’s University Belfast (Prof. Alexandre Goguet and Dr. Haresh Manyar), and the University of Glasgow (Dr Emma Gibson). The aim of the project is to understand how the dynamic nature of Pd nanoparticles, and their ability to form interstitial structures, can be exploited for enhanced catalysis. To achieve this, we have assembled an internationally leading team with skills in heterogeneous catalysis, reactor engineering, operando spectroscopy, and computational methods. By working closely with Professor Nicole Pamme (Stockholm University), Dr Sheima Khatib (Virginia Tech University) and Dr Simon Bare (SSRL, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) we will develop a microfluidic cell able to perform in situ XAFS and FTIR characterisation of working interstitial Pd catalysts.  In a second branch to the project, complimentary information on the nature of adsorbed H on these interstitial Pd catalysts will be obtained via the use of Inelastic Neutron Scattering (INS).

The PDRA we be part of the research group of Dr Emma Gibson within the School of Chemistry at the University of Glasgow. The successful applicant will have several visits to Stockholm University (Sweden), the ISIS Neutron and Muon Source (UK) and with the possibility of visits to Virginia Tech University and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (USA). The researcher will also be encouraged to attend UK Catalysis Hub events, offering the chance of networking with the wider UK catalysis community. This is a significant opportunity to be part of a multidisciplinary, multinational research collaboration with the combined goal to develop techniques able to better understand these interesting catalytic systems. The successful candidate should have first-hand experience in advanced spectroscopy measurements of heterogeneous catalysis, ideally using Neutrons or X-rays.

Candidates should have a PhD or equivalent professional qualification in chemistry or related discipline, and a track record of academic and research excellence. Potential candidates should also demonstrate an ability to write research papers independently, present their work at international conferences, and be able to work successfully with other research groups.

This position is fully funded through the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) for 12 months, with a generous contribution towards travel and subsistence from the UK Catalysis Hub. For additional information, please contact Emma Gibson (

Closing date: 6th September 2022

For more information and to apply online

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