Impact & Industry

Diamond Inside photo Tour2017The Hub has a strong and growing engagement with UK industry which is promoted and developed by the regular meeting of its Industrial Advisory Panel (IAP). Input from Industry has been a recognised part of the UK Catalysis Hub and can be traced back to the original Town Meeting held in the Royal Society where initial projects were formulated. This dialogue has been ensured by the establishment of an Industrial Advisory Panel, which provide comment and feedback to the Management of the Hub on a regular basis. Beyond this formal mechanism, industrial participation in Hub conferences and meetings is encouraged.

Industrial support has been provided for projects across all of the Hub themes. In the Call for Projects in 2015 this was seen to continue to increase and indeed projects are more likely to be funded if they have Industrial support.

In the initial exemplar projects funded one project had direct industrial support despite the Catalysis Hub as a whole having range of industrial support, in the first new call of the projects funded, thirteen funded projects (20) had letters of support or involved industrial researchers and in the call for projects in 2016, sixteen of the funded (26) projects had industrial involvement.

Interaction with industry has also been deepened by the following:

  • Location of ICASE students in the Harwell Hub
  • Secondment of industrial staff to the Harwell Hub
  • Lectures by industrial scientists at the regular Hub conferences, industrial impact fellow
  • Support for projects: several initial hub projects involved industrial CoIs
  • Increased industrial support for Projects over the duration of the project
Read more about our work with industry below:

FischerTropschCaseStudyimage004Case Study: Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis: An alternative technology to produce vehicle fuel


Case Study: Development of XAFS methods for industrial applications

Neutrons in Catalysis cover photo

Case Study: Neutrons in Catalysis (Hub Harwell)

Autonomous damage repair newspaper article cover photo

Case Study: Autonomous repair

MefCO2 plant figure

Case Study: Direct fixation of CO2

Selective polymers diag

Case Study: Selective Polymerisation

Read more about how the UK Catalysis Hub can help industry.

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