When: 7 – 8 December 2021
Where: Milton Hill House Hotel, Oxfordshire

On the 7th and 8th of December 2021 the UK Catalysis Hub held its annual winter conference and networking meeting. The Conference took place at Milton Hill House Hotel. The event was a hybrid event with the option to attend virtually for those who could’t attend in person.
The conference started at lunchtime on the 7th and the main conference concluded at lunchtime on the 8th December. There was a poster session on the evening of the 7th December and dinner by invitation.
Speakers included researchers from the Catalysis Hub and internationally renowned speakers and industrialists covering a range of topics in catalysis. The event also included a poster session showcasing work from the Hub postdocs. The Conference included the presentation of the 2021 JMT medal for Catalysis to Dr. Alexander O’Malley. Read more about the JMT medal at https://ukcatalysishub.co.uk/dr-alexander-omalley-wins-2021-sir-john-meurig-thomas-catalysis-medal/
Speakers included:
Dr. Maarten Nachtegaal (Paul Scherrer Institute)
Dr. Sihai Yang (Manchester)
Prof. Sarah Haigh (Manchester)
Prof. Susannah Scott (University of California, Santa Barbara)
Prof. Dr.Ferdi Schüth (Max-Planck-Institut)
Dr. Miriam O’Duill (Nottingham)
Prof. Clemence Corminboeuf (Laboratory for Computational Molecular Design)
Dr. Feng Ryan Wang (UCL)
Click on the talk titles to view talk abstracts and watch recordings of the presentations
7 December 2021
12:00 -13:00 – Buffet Lunch Restaurant
Session 1 Wisteria Room – Chair: Professor Graham Hutchings, Cardiff
13:00 -13:05 – Welcome & Instructions
13:05 -13:50 – Dr. Maarten Nachtegaal (Paul Scherrer Institute) – Transient X-ray absorption spectroscopy – Virtual
13:50 -14:35 – Dr. Sihai Yang (Manchester) – Confined Catalysis of Small Molecules in Porous Materials
14:35 -15:05 – BREAK
Session 2 Wisteria Room – Chair: Professor Christopher Hardacre, UK Catalysis Hub Director
15:05 -15:50 – Prof. Susannah Scott (University of California, Santa Barbara) – Directing catalytic reactions at solid-liquid interfaces: Using renewable and recycled carbon to make platform chemicals – Virtual
15:50 -16:35 – Prof. Sarah Haigh (Manchester) – Towards in-situ atomic resolution characterisation of chemical reactions in solutions
16:35 -17:10 – Dr. Ryan Wang (UCL) – How long does it take to break Cu-O bond – a study of time in catalysis
17:10 -18:10 – Sir John Meurig Thomas Medal Presentation – Special winner announcement and talk – Dr. Alexander O’Malley (Bath)
18:15 -19:15 – Drinks & Posters: Rose & Fuchsia Room
19:30 – Dinner: Wisteria Room (Invite only)
8 December 2021
Session 3 Wisteria Room – Chair: Richard Catlow, UCL, Cardiff
09:00 -09:10 – Welcome & Instructions
09:10 -09:55 – Prof. Dr.Ferdi Schüth (Max-Planck-Institut) – Mechanochemical and mechanocatalytic reactions in ball mills – Virtual
09:55 -10:40 – Dr. Miriam O’Duill (Nottingham) – Catalysis for Late-Stage Functionalisation – Virtual
10:40 -11:10 – BREAK
Session 4 Wisteria Room – Chair: Dr Santhosh Matam, Cardiff
11:10 -11:55 – Prof. Clemence Corminboeuf (Laboratory for Computational Molecular Design) – Data-driven approaches to homogeneous catalysis – Virtual
12:00 – Conference closes
12:10 -13:10 – Buffet Lunch Restaurant
Conference venue & travel information:
Please see the google map for directions to the Milton Hill House, Abingdon. If you have dietary requirements or allergies, please make yourself known to staff.
Attendees need to organise their own accommodation. There are a limited number of places available at the conference venue, Milton Hill House.
There are also several local hotels including:
As above, please contact the hotels directly to book.
If you could please take a lateral flow test before attending the conference, it would be greatly appreciated as we continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation. These can be collected from any pharmacy. Masks are now at visitors own discretion but we encourage you to wear a mask whilst moving around the building. We also ask you try to maintain social distancing where possible. The number of people attending the conference has been limited to help facilitate social distancing.